The Marche Region offers a range of numberless events suitable for every season and every type of visitor: concerts, festivals, theater and dance events, popular festivals, historical re-enactments, food and wine events, markets, exhibitions and much more...
Opera is deeply rooted in the Marche; there are several opera festivals: Rossini Opera Festival (Pesaro), Festival Pergolesi Spontini (Jesi), Macerata Opera Festival (Macerata), in addition to different opera seasons in some of the major region’s theaters. In July and August Civitanova Marche renews its vocation as the "City of Dance" by hosting Civitanova Danza International Festival.
Ancient theater lovers can enjoy TAU festival (Teatro Antichi Uniti) in summer, with a wide range of events. The performances take place in Marche’s remarkable archaeological sites , mainly in the province of Macerata, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno. Contemporary theatre lovers can’t miss Polverigi Inteatro Festival,  an international event of contemporary theatre.
Festivals of ancient music are also well known: the International Festival of Sacred Music, the Lauretano Organ Festival in Loreto, the Organ Festival in Senigallia, the Ancient Music Festival in Urbino, the International Festival of Chamber Music and Theater of Camerino , Armonie della sera Festival, the Elpidiense Organ Academy (Sant'Elpidio a Mare), Perpiano Festival (Amandola) and the Liszt Festival in Grottammare.
A Summer festival that attracts rock lovers from all over the world is  Summer Jamboree, taking place in Senigallia. There are numerous jazz music events all around the year: Tam, tutta un’altra musica, Sant'Elpidio Jazz Festival, Ancona Jazz Summer Festival, Fano Jazz by the Sea, Corinaldo jazz, San Severino Blues Festival.
There are also various events suitable for children: the National School Theater Festival and the Paese dei balocchi in Serra San Quirico, the International Children's Theater Festival in Porto Sant'Elpidio, the Kite Festival in Urbino, Halloween in Corinaldo, Artistrada in Colmurano, Veregra Street Festival (Montegranaro), one of Italy’s most important street art festivals, Clown and clown festival in Monte San Giusto and the Children’s  Mezzanotte bianca in Pesaro.
There are also competitions and festivals dedicated to cinema that take place all year round. Noteworthy festivals include Pesaro International New Cinema Festival, Fano International Film Festival and Ancona’s Corto Dorico Short Film Festival.
Further exciting events are the numerous historical re-enactments that take place in many towns and villages of the Marche, especially in summer. Festivals and shows in traditional costumes enliven the historic centres. The most popular ones are:  Giostra della Quintana in Ascoli Piceno, the medieval festivals of Offagna, the Cavalcata dell'Assunta in Fermo, the Festival of the Duke of Urbino, the Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta of Corinaldo, Sciò la Pica of Monterubbiano, the Palio of San Giovanni Battista of Fabriano, Sponsalia of Acquaviva Picena, the Wild Boar Hunt in Mondavio, the historic Palio of the goose in Cagli and the Challenge of the Balloon with the Bracelet in Treia.
Food and wine markets, festivals of local specialities, show cooking and street food are organized all year round in the Marche region. There are so many proposals to live a culinary experience. The most remarkable food and wine festival are: Fritto misto all’italiana ( fried food festival) in Ascoli Piceno, Sea festival with giant frying pan from the Adriatic  in Porto San Giorgio,  Cupramontana grape festival, the National white truffle Fair in Acqualagna, the National Market of the prized white truffle in Sant'Angelo in Vado, Diamanti A Tavola – (Festival of the Prized Truffle of the Sibillini Mountains) in Amandola, Leguminaria in Appignano, Market Exhibition of the extra virgin olive oil of Cartoceto, Verdicchio wine Festival in Montecarotto, the Campofilone Maccheroncini Festival, Loreto Piceno Vin Cotto Festival, Sarnano Ciauscolo and Spreadable Salami Festival, Treia Calcione Festival, Fano International Brodetto and Fish Soup Festival.

A wide range of events and shows are  linked to anniversaries such as Carnival: the Carnival of Fano, the oldest in Italy, the Carnival of Offida, the Carnival of Ascoli Piceno, Nel Regno del Re Carnivale of Fermo. The processions and historical re-enactments linked to the Christian Easter liturgy take place every year in some town and villages. We quote: the Turba of Cantiano and the La Morte del Giusto (Death of the Righteous) in Loreto. At Christmas time there are Christmas markets, artistic and living nativity scenes, such as the living nativity in Genga, Candles in Candelara, and the Epiphany Festival of Urbania. For Valentine's Day, unmissable is Gradara d'Amare at Gradara castle.
As far as music festivals are concerned, you can’t miss the International Accordion Festival of Castelfidardo and Musicultura, the festival dedicated to the new promises among the singer-songwriters of contemporary popular and author music. Since 1996 it has been supported by Lunaria, an event where pairs of guests (one musical and the other from the world of poetry, literature and cinema) meet, discuss and entertain the public.
The most popular events related to folk music and folklore include Montelago Celtic Festival in Serravalle di Chienti, Terranostra Folk Festival in Apiro, the International Folklore Festival of Macerata and Matelica.