An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> curExtraSearchField.inputAspect  [in template "20097#20123#76602" at line 108, column 94]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if curExtraSearchField.inputAspect =...  [in template "20097#20123#76602" at line 108, column 89]
	- Reached through: @ricerca_components["ricerca-form"] s...  [in template "20097#20123#76602" at line 58, column 33]
1<#-- instance id --> 
2<#assign instanceId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId()?keep_after("INSTANCE_") /> 
4<#-- Ricavo servizi utili in seguito --> 
5<#-- Servizio per i layout di pagina --> 
6<#assign layoutLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService") /> 
7<#-- Servizio utile per ricavare i documenti della DM --> 
8<#assign dlFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService('com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService') /> 
10<#-- Etichette --> 
11<#-- eventi --> 
12<#assign label_eventi = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_eventi") /> 
13<#assign label_evento = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_evento") /> 
14<#assign ricerca_extra_field_place = languageUtil.get(locale, "ricerca_extra_field_place") /> 
15<#assign ricerca_extra_field_place_placeholder = languageUtil.get(locale, "ricerca_extra_field_place_placeholder") /> 
16<#-- generiche --> 
17<#assign label_filtro_cosa = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_filtro_cosa") /> 
18<#assign label_placeholder_filtro_cosa = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_placeholder_filtro_cosa") /> 
19<#assign label_filtro_quando = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_filtro_quando") /> 
20<#assign label_placeholder_filtro_quando = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_placeholder_filtro_quando") /> 
21<#assign label_button_cerca = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_button_cerca") /> 
22<#assign label_button_cerca_su_mappa = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_button_cerca_su_mappa") /> 
23<#assign label_categorie = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_categorie") /> 
24<#assign label_seleziona = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_seleziona") /> 
25<#assign label_data_dal = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_data_dal") /> 
26<#assign label_data_al = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_data_al") /> 
27<#assign label_cambia_data = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_cambia_data") /> 
28<#assign label_vai_dettaglio = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_vai_dettaglio") /> 
29<#assign label_leggi_tutto = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_leggi_tutto") /> 
30<#assign label_aggiungi_lista_viaggio = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_aggiungi_lista_viaggio") /> 
31<#-- datepicker --> 
32<#assign label_datepicker_oggi = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_oggi") /> 
33<#assign label_datepicker_domani = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_domani") /> 
34<#assign label_datepicker_prossimi_7_giorni = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_prossimi_7_giorni") /> 
35<#assign label_datepicker_questo_mese = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_questo_mese") /> 
36<#assign label_datepicker_scegli = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_scegli") /> 
37<#assign label_datepicker_annulla = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_annulla") /> 
38<#assign label_datepicker_da = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_da") /> 
39<#assign label_datepicker_a = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_a") /> 
40<#assign label_datepicker_giorni_settimana = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_giorni_settimana") /> 
41<#assign label_datepicker_mesi_anno = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_datepicker_mesi_anno") /> 
42<#assign label_scarica_formato_csv = languageUtil.get(locale, "label_scarica_formato_csv") /> 
44<#-- Inclusione widget template con macros e relativi servizi --> 
45<#include "${templatesPath}/RICERCA_COMMON_MACROS" /> 
47<#-- html --> 
48<div class="col-12"> 
49	<div class="search-template search-template-eventi"> 
51		<#-- da qui inizia l'html così come da mockup: solo modalita desktop --> 
52		<div class="search-form-container search-form-container-desktop py-3"> 
53    		<#-- aggiunta classe m-0 --> 
54    		<div class="row m-0"> 
55        		<div class="col-12"> 
57					<#-- form con ricerca testuale, per data, e pulsanti --> 
58			       	<@ricerca_components["ricerca-form"] searchUrl="${searchUrl}" method="get" id="search-eventi-form-desktop"> 
60			       		<#-- contenitore con sfondo --> 
61			       		<div class="search-form"> 
63			       			<#-- campo hidden per ricerca senza risultati --> 
64			       			<input type="hidden" name="searchSubmit" value="true"> 
66				       		<#-- campo hidden per ordinamento: non usato --> 
67							<#-- 
68							<input type="hidden" value="${searchInput.orderBy}" name="orderBy" id="orderByInputHiddenDesktop"> 
69							--> 
71							<#-- campo hidden per cambio vista: non usato --> 
72							<#-- 
73							<input type="hidden" value="${viewTypeKey}${ricercaPortletConfig.configViewParamsSeparator}${viewTypeValue}" name="viewParams" id="input-viewParams-viewType">    
74							--> 
76							<#-- inizio barra filtri orizzontatli --> 
77							<div class="form-row align-items-center"> 
79								<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configInputqTitleLabel != ""> 
80									<#assign label_filtro_cosa = ricercaPortletConfig.configInputqTitleLabel /> 
81								</#if> 
83								<#-- campo di ricerca testuale --> 
84								<div class="col-12 <#if searchInput.extraSearchFields?has_content || (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowCategoriesFilterInSearchbar == true)>col-md mb-md-2<#else>col-md</#if> text-uppercase search-form-title">				        		 
85									<label for="input-ricerca-q" class="mb-0">${label_filtro_cosa}</label> 
86									<@ricerca_components["ricerca-input-q"] cssClass="form-control"  
87										value="${searchInput.q}" 
88										placeholder="${label_placeholder_filtro_cosa}"> 
89									</@> 
92									</#if> 
93								</div> 
95								<#-- campo di ricerca per località: campo dinamico prelevato da configurazione --> 
96								<#if searchInput.extraSearchFields?has_content> 
97									<#list searchInput.extraSearchFields as curExtraSearchField > 
98										<#assign curExtraSearchFieldValue = "" /> 
99										<#if curExtraSearchField.value?has_content> 
100											<#assign curExtraSearchFieldValue = curExtraSearchField.value /> 
101										</#if> 
103										<#assign curExtraSearchFieldName = curExtraSearchField.fieldNamePrefix+curExtraSearchField.field /> 
104										<#assign curExtraSearchFieldLabel = curExtraSearchField.fieldLabel /> 
106										<div id="${curExtraSearchFieldName}_container" class="col-12 col-md text-uppercase search-form-extra-field mb-md-2"> 
107											<label for="${curExtraSearchFieldName}" class="mb-0">${curExtraSearchFieldLabel}</label> 
108											<#if curExtraSearchField.inputAspect = "OPTIONS"> 
109												<select class="form-control" id="${curExtraSearchFieldName}" name="${curExtraSearchFieldName}" value="${curExtraSearchFieldValue}"> 
110													<option value="">${label_seleziona}</option> 
111													<#assign keyName = curExtraSearchField.field /> 
112													<#assign selectOptions = selectsItemsLabels[keyName] /> 
113													<#if selectOptions?has_content> 
114														<#list selectOptions as opt> 
115															<#assign isSelected = "" /> 
116															<#if curExtraSearchFieldValue?string?lower_case == opt?lower_case> 
117																<#assign isSelected = "selected" /> 
118															</#if> 
119															<option value="${opt}" ${isSelected}>${opt}</option> 
120														</#list> 
121													</#if> 
122												</select> 
123											<#else> 
124												<input type="text" class="form-control" id="${curExtraSearchFieldName}" name="${curExtraSearchFieldName}" value="${curExtraSearchFieldValue}" placeholder="${label_placeholder_filtro_cosa}"> 
125											</#if> 
126										</div> 
128										<#if curExtraSearchField.autoCompleteUrl?? && curExtraSearchField.autoCompleteUrl != ""> 
129											<#if curExtraSearchField.inputAspect = "TEXTFIELD"> 
130												<script> 
131												$('#${curExtraSearchFieldName}').autocomplete({ 
132													paramName: 'q', 
133													appendTo: '#${curExtraSearchFieldName}_container', 
134													serviceUrl: '${curExtraSearchField.autoCompleteUrl}', 
135													dataType: 'json', 
136													transformResult: function(response) { 
137														return { 
138															suggestions: $.map(, function(dataItem) { 
139																return dataItem.displayName; 
140															}) 
141														}; 
143												}); 
144												</script> 
145											</#if> 
146										</#if> 
147									</#list> 
148								</#if> 
150								<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configSearchbarCategoriesFieldLabel != ""> 
151									<#assign label_categorie = ricercaPortletConfig.configSearchbarCategoriesFieldLabel /> 
152								</#if> 
154								<#if (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowCategoriesFilterInSearchbar == true)> 
155									<#-- visualizzo searchbar categories --> 
156									<#if (searchbarCategoriesAsKeyValue?size > 0)> 
157										<div class="col-12 col-md text-uppercase search-form-extra-field mb-md-2"> 
158											<label for="searchbar-select-ricerca-categorie" class="mb-0">${label_categorie}</label> 
159											<select name="categoryIdsSearchbar" class="form-control" id="searchbar-select-ricerca-categorie"> 
160												<option value="">${label_seleziona}</option> 
161												<#list searchbarCategoriesAsKeyValue?keys as prop> 
162													<#assign isSelected = "" /> 
163													<#if searchInput.categoryIdsSearchbar?has_content> 
164														<#list searchInput.categoryIdsSearchbar as categoryId> 
165															<#if categoryId?string == prop> 
166																<#assign isSelected = "selected" /> 
167															</#if> 
168														</#list> 
169													</#if> 
170													<option value="${prop}" ${isSelected}>${searchbarCategoriesAsKeyValue[prop]}</option> 
171												</#list>   
172											</select> 
173										</div> 
174									</#if> 
175									<#-- visualizzo searchbar extra categories --> 
176									<#if categoriesExtraSearchFieldsObject?has_content> 
177										<#list categoriesExtraSearchFieldsObject as curVoc> 
178											<div class="col-12 col-md text-uppercase search-form-extra-field mb-md-2"> 
179												<label for="searchbar-select-ricerca-categorie-${curVoc.vocabularyId}" class="mb-0"> 
180													${curVoc.vocabularyLabel} 
181												</label> 
182												<select name="categoryIdsSearchbar" class="form-control" id="searchbar-select-ricerca-categorie-${curVoc.vocabularyId}"> 
183													<option value=""> 
184														${label_seleziona} 
185													</option> 
186													<#list curVoc.categories?keys as curCat> 
187														<#assign isSelected="" /> 
188														<#if searchInput.categoryIdsSearchbar?has_content> 
189															<#list searchInput.categoryIdsSearchbar as categoryId> 
190																<#if categoryId?string == curCat> 
191																	<#assign isSelected="selected" /> 
192																</#if> 
193															</#list> 
194														</#if> 
195														<option value="${curCat}" ${isSelected}> 
196															${curVoc.categories[curCat]} 
197														</option> 
198													</#list> 
199												</select> 
200											</div> 
201										</#list> 
202									</#if>	 
203								</#if> 
205								<#-- campo di ricerca per range di date --> 
206								<#-- il date picker imposta sempre una data di inizio ed una di fine, con cui valorizzo i campi nascosti che servono per la ricerca --> 
207								<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configShowSearchByDates == true> 
208									<#assign currentDatepickerValue = "" /> 
209									<#assign currentDateFromValue = "" /> 
210									<#assign currentDateToValue = "" /> 
211									<#if searchInput.dateFrom?has_content && searchInput.dateTo?has_content> 
212										<#assign currentDatepickerValue = '${dateUtil.getDate(searchInput.dateFrom?date, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale)} - ${dateUtil.getDate(searchInput.dateTo?date, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale)}' /> 
213										<#assign currentDateFromValue = '${dateUtil.getDate(searchInput.dateFrom?date, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale)}' /> 
214										<#assign currentDateToValue = '${dateUtil.getDate(searchInput.dateTo?date, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale)}' /> 
215									</#if> 
216									<div class="col-12 col-md text-uppercase search-form-date mb-md-2"> 
217										<label for="date-range-desktop" class="mb-0"><#if ricercaPortletConfig.configDateSearchFieldLabel != "">${ricercaPortletConfig.configDateSearchFieldLabel}<#else>${label_filtro_quando}</#if></label> 
218										<input id="date-range-desktop" type="text" placeholder="${label_placeholder_filtro_quando}" class="form-control" value="${currentDatepickerValue}" autocomplete="off"/> 
219										<#-- campi hidden che vengono valorizzati sull'onchange del datepicker --> 
220										<input id="date-range-desktop-from" name="dateFrom" type="hidden" value="${currentDateFromValue}">									 
221										<input id="date-range-desktop-to" name="dateTo" type="hidden" value="${currentDateToValue}">									 
222									</div> 
223								</#if> 
225								<#-- pulsante di ricerca --> 
226								<div class="col-12 col-md-2 search-form-button"> 
227				       				<button type="submit" class="btn-dark btn-block"><span class="fa fa-search mr-1" aria-hidden="true"></span>${label_button_cerca}</button> 
228								</div> 
230								<#-- codice aggiunto per la ricerca geo su mappa, funziona con la variabile impostata a true nell'init --> 
231								<#assign latValue="" /> 
232								<#if> 
233									<#assign latValue="${}" /> 
234								</#if> 
235								<#assign lngValue="" /> 
236								<#if searchInput.lng?has_content> 
237									<#assign lngValue="${searchInput.lng}" /> 
238								</#if> 
239								<#assign distanceValue="" /> 
240								<#if searchInput.distance?has_content> 
241									<#assign distanceValue="${searchInput.distance}" /> 
242								</#if> 
244								<#-- variabili per gestire accessibilità e visualizzazione mappa, nel caso in cui cè una ricerca geo in atto --> 
245								<#assign statusCollapse = "" /> 
246								<#assign statusCollapseAria = "false" /> 
247								<#if ( && (searchInput.lng?has_content) && (searchInput.distance?has_content)> 
248									<#assign statusCollapse = "show" /> 
249									<#assign statusCollapseAria = "true" /> 
250								</#if> 
252								<#-- pulsante per visualizzare la mappa nascosta --> 
253								<div class="col-12 col-md-3 search-form-map-button"> 
254									<button class="container-fluid position-relative transition btn-dark btn-map" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#map-container-desktop" aria-expanded="${statusCollapseAria}" aria-controls="map-container-desktop"> 
255										<span class="position-relative"><span class="fa fa-map-marker mr-1" aria-hidden="true"></span>${label_button_cerca_su_mappa}</span> 
256									</button> 
257								</div> 
258			       			</div> 
260							<#-- richiamo taglib mappa: ha il suo html base --> 
261							<#-- rich-map: wrapper class for rich marker --> 
262							<div id="map-container-desktop" class="rich-map-container collapse my-4 ${statusCollapse}"> 
263								<@ricerca_components["ricerca-map"]> 
264								</@> 
265							</div> 
266						</div> 
268						<#-- IMPORTANTE: inizializzo la mappa, da fare subito dopo la chiusura della taglib --> 
269						<#-- poichè il form ha un id custom, lo riporto come parametro nell'init --> 
270						<script> 
271							TglSearchMap.init({ 
272								centerLatitude: 43.3285259, 
273							    centerLongitude: 13.0509109, 
274							    initialZoom: 13, 
275								geoSearch: true, 
276								searchFormId: "search-eventi-form-desktop", 
277								submitOnGeoSearch: true 
278							}); 
279						</script> 
281						<#-- nel caso di una ricerca geo, passo alla mappa i valori impostati nelle variabili sopra create--> 
282						<script type="text/javascript"> 
283							TglSearchMap.setSearchCircle('${latValue}', '${lngValue}', '${distanceValue}'); 
284						</script> 
286					</@> 
287				</div> 
288			</div> 
289		</div> 
291		<#if entries?has_content> 
292			<#list entries as curEntry> 
294				<#-- sezione divisa in due colonne: categorie e lista risultati --> 
295				<div id="search-results" class="search-results"> 
297					<#-- aggiunta classe m-0 --> 
298					<div class="row m-0"> 
300						<#-- ricerca per categorie --> 
301	                	<#if (ricercaPortletConfig.configSearchByCategories == true) && (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowCategoriesFilterInSidebar == true) && (categoriesAsKeyValue?size > 0)> 
303	                		<#-- setto una variabile booleana per far partire gli accordion o aperti o chiusi a seconda della configurazione --> 
304	                		<#assign vocabulariesCollapsed = false /> 
305	                		<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configStartWithCollapsedVocabularies?? && ricercaPortletConfig.configStartWithCollapsedVocabularies == true> 
306		                		<#assign vocabulariesCollapsed = true /> 
307	                		</#if> 
309							<#-- modificato da col-md-3 a col-lg-3 --> 
310							<div class="col-12 col-lg-3 search-filters-container"> 
312			                	<div class="search-filters filters-desktop"> 
313				                    <#-- caso di ricerca per categorie multiple --> 
314				                    <#if ricercaPortletConfig.configSelectMultipleCategories == true> 
315				                    	<#-- caso di visualizzazione di tutte le categorie --> 
316				                    	<#if ricercaPortletConfig.allVocabulariesCategories == true> 
317											<#-- caso di elenco di categorie e sottocategorie indentate con nome vocabolario - sfrutta macro presente nel template RICERCA_COMMON_MACROS --> 
318											<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configAllowVocabulariesLabelFilter == true> 
319												<span class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between text-uppercase" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list-filters" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="list-filters"> 
320													<span>${label_categorie} 
321														<#if searchInput.categoryIds?has_content> 
322															<span class="badge">${searchInput.categoryIds?size}</span> 
323														</#if> 
324													</span> 
325												</span> 
326												<div id="list-filters" class="list-filters collapse show mt-4"> 
327													<ul class="list-unstyled"> 
328														<#list hierarchicalVocabulariesOptions as voKey, voValue> 
329															<li class="mb-2"> 
330																<a class="accordion-title h4" href="#accordion-content_${voKey}" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="<#if !vocabulariesCollapsed>true<#else>false</#if>"> 
331																	${voValue.value.label} 
332																</a> 
333																<div id="accordion-content_${voKey}" class="accordion-content collapse <#if !vocabulariesCollapsed>show</#if>"> 
334																	<@getAllCategoriesDesktop voValue.children /> 
335																</div> 
336															</li> 
337														</#list> 
338													</ul> 
339												</div> 
340											<#else> 
341												<#-- caso di elenco categorie e sottocategorie indentate ma senza nome vocabolario - sfrutta macro presente nel template RICERCA_COMMON_MACROS --> 
342												<#if hierarchicalCategoriesOptions?? && hierarchicalCategoriesOptions?has_content> 
343													<span class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between text-uppercase" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list-filters" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="list-filters"> 
344														<span>${label_categorie} 
345															<#if searchInput.categoryIds?has_content> 
346																<span class="badge">${searchInput.categoryIds?size}</span> 
347															</#if> 
348														</span> 
349													</span> 
350													<div id="list-filters" class="list-filters collapse show mt-4"> 
351														<#-- ciclo sulle categorie --> 
352														<@getAllCategoriesDesktop hierarchicalCategoriesOptions /> 
353													</div> 
354												</#if> 
355											</#if> 
356										<#else> 
357											<#-- caso di categorie selezionate manualmente dalla select di configurazione --> 
358											<#-- caso di elenco di categorie e sottocategorie indentate con nome vocabolario - sfrutta macro presente nel template RICERCA_COMMON_MACROS --> 
359											<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configAllowVocabulariesLabelFilter == true> 
360												<span class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between text-uppercase" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list-filters" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="list-filters"> 
361													<span>${label_categorie} 
362														<#if searchInput.categoryIds?has_content> 
363															<span class="badge">${searchInput.categoryIds?size}</span> 
364														</#if> 
365													</span> 
366												</span> 
367												<div id="list-filters" class="list-filters collapse show mt-4"> 
368													<ul class="list-unstyled"> 
369														<#list flatVocabulariesAndCategoriesAsKeyValueForMultiSelect as voKey, voValue> 
370															<li class="mb-2"> 
371																<a class="accordion-title h4" href="#accordion-content_${voKey}" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="<#if !vocabulariesCollapsed>true<#else>false</#if>"> 
372																	${voValue.value.label} 
373																</a> 
374																<div id="accordion-content_${voKey}" class="accordion-content collapse <#if !vocabulariesCollapsed>show</#if>"> 
375																	<@getAllCategoriesDesktop voValue.children /> 
376																</div> 
377															</li> 
378														</#list> 
379													</ul> 
380												</div> 
381											<#else> 
382												<#-- caso di elenco categorie e sottocategorie indentate ma senza nome vocabolario - sfrutta macro presente nel template RICERCA_COMMON_MACROS --> 
383												<#if flatCategoriesAsKeyValueForMultiSelect?? && flatCategoriesAsKeyValueForMultiSelect?has_content> 
384													<span class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between text-uppercase" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#list-filters" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="list-filters"> 
385														<span>${label_categorie} 
386															<#if searchInput.categoryIds?has_content> 
387																<span class="badge">${searchInput.categoryIds?size}</span> 
388															</#if> 
389														</span> 
390													</span> 
391													<div id="list-filters" class="list-filters collapse show mt-4"> 
392														<@getAllCategoriesDesktop flatCategoriesAsKeyValueForMultiSelect /> 
393													</div> 
394												</#if> 
395											</#if> 
396										</#if> 
397									<#else> 
398										<#-- visualizzo una select singola --> 
399										<label for="select-ricerca-categorie" class="d-block text-uppercase mb-4">${label_categorie}</label> 
400					                    <select name="categoryIds" class="form-control" id="select-ricerca-categorie"> 
401				                            <option value="">${label_seleziona}</option> 
402					                        <#list categoriesAsKeyValue?keys as prop> 
403					                        	<#assign isSelected = "" /> 
404					                        	<#if searchInput.categoryIds?has_content> 
405													<#list searchInput.categoryIds as categoryId> 
406														<#if categoryId?string == prop> 
407															<#assign isSelected = "selected" /> 
408														</#if> 
409													</#list> 
410												</#if> 
411					                            <option value="${prop}" ${isSelected}>${categoriesAsKeyValue[prop]}</option> 
412					                        </#list>   
413					                    </select> 
414									</#if> 
415								</div> 
416							</div>				 
417						</#if> 
419						<#-- lista risultati --> 
420						<#-- modificato da col-md-9 a col-lg-9 --> 
421						<#if (ricercaPortletConfig.configSearchByCategories == true) && (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowCategoriesFilterInSidebar == true) && (categoriesAsKeyValue?size > 0)> 
422							<div class="col-12 col-lg-9 p-0 search-list-results-container"> 
423						<#else>	 
424							<div class="col-12 p-0 search-list-results-container"> 
425						</#if>							 
426							<#-- numero risultati + range di ricerca corrente + pulsante cambio data --> 
427							<#-- aggiunta classe m-0 --> 
428							<#if (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowResultNumber == true) || 
429								(ricercaPortletConfig.configShowResultTitle == true && ricercaPortletConfig.configResultTitleLabel != "") || 
430								(ricercaPortletConfig.configShowSearchByDates == true) || 
431								(ricercaPortletConfig.configCanExportSearchResults == true)> 
432								<div class="row search-list-results-setting m-0"> 
433									<div class="col-10 col-sm-10 col-md-10 col-lg-10 col-xl-8 d-flex align-items-center"> 
434										<#if (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowResultNumber == true) || (ricercaPortletConfig.configShowResultTitle == true && ricercaPortletConfig.configResultTitleLabel != "")> 
435											<div class="d-inline-block mb-0 position-relative h3 search-list-results-number"> 
436												<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configShowResultNumber == true>${curEntry.paging.totalRecordsCount} </#if><#if ricercaPortletConfig.configShowResultTitle == true && ricercaPortletConfig.configResultTitleLabel != "">${ricercaPortletConfig.configResultTitleLabel}</#if> 
437											</div> 
438										</#if> 
440										<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configShowSearchByDates == true> 
441											<#if searchInput.dateFrom?has_content && searchInput.dateTo?has_content> 
442												<div class="d-inline-block"> 
443													<span class="d-block search-list-results-date-range">${label_data_dal} ${dateUtil.getDate(searchInput.dateFrom?date, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale)} ${label_data_al} ${dateUtil.getDate(searchInput.dateTo?date, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale)}</span> 
444													<a class="position-relative tit-link arrow-right transition" href="javascript:void(0);" title="${label_cambia_data}" onclick="$('#date-range-desktop').focus()">${label_cambia_data}</a> 
445												</div> 
446											</#if> 
447										</#if> 
448									</div> 
450									<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configCanExportSearchResults == true> 
451										<div class="col-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2 col-lg-2 col-xl-4"> 
452											<button onclick="downloadCsv('${ricercaPortletConfig.configExportCsvUrl}')" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm float-right" title="${label_scarica_formato_csv}"><span class="fa-solid fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></span></button> 
453										</div> 
454									</#if> 
455								</div> 
456							</#if>	 
458							<#if curEntry.records?has_content> 
459								<#-- GRIGLIA: solo questa modalita, per cui non vengono utilizzati i vari controlli per lo switch -->								 
460                   				<#-- contenitori vista griglia --> 
461								<div class="search-list-results grid-view"> 
462									<div class="grid-view-container"> 
463										<#-- aggiunta classe m-0 --> 
464										<div class="row row-cols-2 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 list-results m-0"> 
466											<#-- ciclo sugli elementi restituiti dalla ricerca --> 
467											<#list curEntry.records as record> 
468							                    <#if record.metadata?has_content> 
470							                    	<#-- assegno alla variabile il titolo di liferay o di struttura, ripulito dai caratteri accentati, da usare come alt o title --> 
471					                    			<#assign titoloScheda = "" /> 
472													<#if record.title?has_content> 
473						                    			<#assign titoloScheda = htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(record.title) /> 
474					                    			</#if> 
475					                    			<#if record.metadata.eventTitle?has_content && record.metadata.eventTitle.value?has_content> 
476						                    			<#assign titoloScheda = htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(record.metadata.eventTitle.value) /> 
477					                    			</#if> 
479					                    			<#-- singolo elemento --> 
480													<div class="col position-relative"> 
481														<#-- funzione aggiungi a trip planner: visualizzo il cuore solo se esistono le coordinate --> 
482														<#-- creo variabile di appoggio, poiche devo eventualmente anche eliminare l'angolo bianco della card che sta sotto -->  
483														<#-- al contrario dei template, qui i valori delle coordinate sono numeri e non stringhe --> 
484														<#assign existLatLong = false /> 
485														<#if (record.latitude?has_content && record.latitude != 0) && (record.longitude?has_content && record.longitude != 0)> 
486															<#assign existLatLong = true /> 
487															<span class="fa-regular fa-heart transition" title="${label_aggiungi_lista_viaggio}" data-id="idPoi_${record.entryClassPk}"></span> 
488														</#if> 
490														<#-- cè bisogno che esista un tag a: per cui verifico che esista l'url altrimenti imposto l'href con javascript:void(0) --> 
491														<#if record.detailUrl?has_content> 
492															<a href="${record.detailUrl}" class="d-block result-container" title="${label_vai_dettaglio} ${titoloScheda}"> 
493														<#else> 
494															<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="d-block result-container" title="${label_vai_dettaglio} ${titoloScheda}"> 
495														</#if> 
496															<#-- aggiunta classe m-0 --> 
497							                    			<div class="row d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center position-relative card-container <#if !existLatLong>no-fa-heart</#if> transition m-0"> 
499								                    			<#-- richiamo l'immagine: fa parte di un fieldset ripetibile, e potrebbe essere una sequenza o una semplice stringa --> 
500								                    			<#-- creo una variabile di appoggio per l'url dell'img da usare nella mappa --> 
501								                    			<#assign mapImageUrlJs = "" /> 
502																<#if record.metadata.eventImage?has_content && record.metadata.eventImage.value?has_content> 
503									                    			<#if record.metadata.eventImage.value?is_sequence> 
504									                    				<#assign numImg = 0 /> 
505									                    				<#list record.metadata.eventImage.value as curImage> 
506									                    					<#if curImage?? && curImage?has_content> 
507											                    				<#attempt> 
508															                    	<#assign curImageJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(curImage) /> 
509															                    	<#if curImageJson?? && curImageJson?has_content && curImageJson.uuid?? && curImageJson.groupId??> 
510													                    				<#assign numImg = numImg + 1 /> 
511																						<#assign curImageDLFileEntry = dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(curImageJson.uuid,curImageJson.groupId?number) /> 
512																						<#assign curImageUrl = "/documents/"+groupId+"/"+curImageDLFileEntry.getFolderId()+"/"+curImageDLFileEntry.getFileName()+"/"+curImageJson.uuid /> 
513														                    			<#assign mapImageUrlJs = curImageUrl /> 
515																						<div class="col-12 p-0 m-0"> 
516																							<div class="position-relative image-container transition"> 
517																								<img src="${curImageUrl}" class="image-preview-object-fit" alt="${titoloScheda}"> 
518																							</div> 
519																						</div> 
521														                    		</#if> 
522											                    				<#recover> 
523											                    					<#-- in caso di problemi sull'immagine, non visualizzo nulla --> 
524											                    				</#attempt> 
525																			</#if> 
526																			<#if numImg == 1> 
527																				<#break> 
528																			</#if>	 
529									                    				</#list> 
530									                    			<#else> 
531									                    				<#attempt> 
532													                    	<#assign imageJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(record.metadata.eventImage.value) /> 
533													                    	<#if imageJson?? && imageJson?has_content && imageJson.uuid?? && imageJson.groupId??> 
534																				<#assign imageDLFileEntry = dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(imageJson.uuid,imageJson.groupId?number) /> 
535																				<#assign imageUrl = "/documents/"+groupId+"/"+imageDLFileEntry.getFolderId()+"/"+imageDLFileEntry.getFileName()+"/"+imageJson.uuid /> 
536												                    			<#assign mapImageUrlJs = imageUrl /> 
538												                    			<div class="col-12 p-0 m-0"> 
539																					<div class="position-relative image-container transition"> 
540																						<img src="${imageUrl}" class="image-preview-object-fit" alt="${titoloScheda}"> 
541																					</div> 
542																				</div> 
543												                    		</#if> 
544										                    			<#recover> 
545										                    				<#-- in caso di problemi sull'immagine, non visualizzo nulla -->	 
546										                    			</#attempt> 
547									                    			</#if> 
548								                    			</#if> 
550							                    				<#-- testi --> 
551																<div class="col-md-12 p-3"> 
552							                    					<div class="text-center text-container"> 
554							                    						<#-- ricavo le date di inizio e fine evento --> 
555								                    					<#-- data di inizio evento --> 
556								                    					<#if record.metadata.eventStartDate?has_content && record.metadata.eventStartDate.value?has_content> 
557											                    			<#assign eventStartDate_DateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", record.metadata.eventStartDate.value, locale) /> 
558																			<#assign eventStartDate_str = dateUtil.getDate(eventStartDate_DateObj, "dd MMMM yyyy", locale) /> 
560											                    			<#if validator.isNotNull(eventStartDate_str) && eventStartDate_str != ""> 
561																				<div class="text-uppercase search-field-date"> 
562																					${eventStartDate_str} 
564															 						<#-- data di fine evento --> 
565															 						<#if record.metadata.eventEndDate?has_content && record.metadata.eventEndDate.value?has_content && record.metadata.eventStartDate.value != record.metadata.eventEndDate.value> 
566														                    			<#assign eventEndDate_DateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", record.metadata.eventEndDate.value, locale) /> 
567																						<#assign eventEndDate_Str = dateUtil.getDate(eventEndDate_DateObj, "dd MMMM yyyy", locale) /> 
568															 							<#if validator.isNotNull(eventEndDate_Str) && eventEndDate_Str != ""> 
569																							<span>-</span> 
570															 								${eventEndDate_Str} 
571															 							</#if> 
572															 						</#if> 
573																				</div> 
574																			</#if> 
575								                    					</#if> 
577								                    					<#-- titolo di struttura --> 
578																		<#if record.metadata.eventTitle?has_content && record.metadata.eventTitle.value?has_content> 
579																			<div class="mt-3 transition tit-link check-highlight"> 
580																				${record.metadata.eventTitle.value?trim} 
581																			</div> 
582										                    			</#if> 
584							                    						<#-- luogo --> 
585							                    						<#assign mapAddressJs = "" /> 
586																		<#if record.metadata.eventAddressCity?has_content && record.metadata.eventAddressCity.value?has_content> 
587																			<#assign mapAddressJs = record.metadata.eventAddressCity.value /> 
588																			<div class="mb-3 search-extra-field-place"> 
589																				<span class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></span> <strong class="ml-1 text-uppercase">${record.metadata.eventAddressCity.value}</strong> 
590																			</div> 
591																		</#if> 
593							                    						<#-- leggi tutto --> 
594																		<div class="sub-link"> 
595																			${label_leggi_tutto} <span class="fa fa-angle-right transition" aria-hidden="true"></span> 
596																		</div> 
598																		<#-- ******************************* CATEGORIE - COMMENTATO ******************************* --> 
601																		<#-- metodo tramite record (ricerca) --> 
602									                    				<#-- recupero l'elenco delle categorie dall'oggetto record anzichè passando dall'articolo --> 
603									                    				<#-- 
604									                    				<#if record.categories?? && (record.categories?size > 0)> 
605									                    					<#list record.categories as key, value> 
606																				<#if (key?? && key != 0) && (value?? && value != "")> 
607																					<div class="chip chip-simple chip-outline-secondary chip-no-link"> 
608																						<span class="chip-label">${value}</span> 
609																					</div> 
610																				</#if> 
611																			</#list> 
612									                    				</#if> 
613									                    				--> 
615									                    				<#-- categorie: metodo tramite api --> 
616									                    				<#-- 
617																		<#assign categorie = []> 
618																		<#assign categorie = getListCategoryByArticlePrimKey(record.entryClassPk) /> 
619																		<#if categorie?? && (categorie?size > 0)>	 
620																			<#list categorie as cur_cat> 
621																				<#if validator.isNotNull(cur_cat) && cur_cat != ""> 
622																					<div class="chip chip-simple chip-outline-secondary chip-no-link"> 
623																						<span class="chip-label">${cur_cat.getTitle(locale)}</span> 
624																					</div> 
625																				</#if> 
626																			</#list> 
627																		</#if> 
628									                    				--> 
629																		<#-- ******************************* CATEGORIE - COMMENTATO ******************************* --> 
631							                    					</div> 
632							                    				</div> 
633							                    				<#-- fine testi --> 
635							                    			</div> 
636							                    		</a> 
637							                    	</div> 
638							                    	<#-- fine singolo elemento --> 
640								                    <#-- valorizzo il marker sulla mappa, se esiste latitudine e longitudine --> 
641						                    		<#if (record.latitude?has_content && record.latitude != 0) && (record.longitude?has_content && record.longitude != 0)> 
642						               					<script> 
643								      						var marker = L.marker(L.latLng([${record.latitude},${record.longitude}])); 
645								      						var infoBox = ""; 
646								      						// apertura contenitore infobox e card 
647								      						infoBox += "<div class='info-box'><div class='card bg-white m-0 border-0 shadow-none'>"; 
648								      						// immagine 
649								      						<#if mapImageUrlJs?? && mapImageUrlJs != ""> 
650								      							infoBox += "<div class='card-img-wrapper'><img src='${mapImageUrlJs}' class='card-img-top' alt='${titoloScheda}'></div>"; 
651								      						</#if> 
652								      						// inizio body 
653								      						infoBox += "<div class='card-body p-2'>" 
654								      						//titolo 
655								      						infoBox += "<h2 class='card-title mb-2'><a href='${record.detailUrl}' title='${label_vai_dettaglio} ${titoloScheda}'>${titoloScheda}</a></h2>" 
656								      						// indirizzo 
657															<#if mapAddressJs?? && mapAddressJs != ""> 
658						               							infoBox += "<p class='mt-0 mb-2'><span class='fa fa-map-marker mr-1'></span><strong>${mapAddressJs}</strong></p>" 
659						               						</#if> 
660						               						// fine body	 
661						               						infoBox += "</div>" 
662						               						// fine contenitore infobox e card 
663						               						infoBox += "</div></div>" 
665						               						var popup = marker.bindPopup(infoBox); 
666						               						TglSearchMap.addMarker(marker); 
667						               					</script> 
668						           					</#if> 
670							                    </#if> 
671											</#list> 
672											<#-- fine ciclo --> 
674										</div> 
675									</div>							 
676								</div> 
677								<#-- FINE GRIGLIA --> 
678							</#if> 
679							<#-- fine curEntry --> 
681							<#-- paginazione mediante taglib--> 
682		                    <#-- aggiunta classe m-0 --> 
683		                    <div class="row mb-0"> 
684		                    	<div class="col-12 text-center"> 
685						            <@ricerca_components["ricerca-pagination"] 
687						                totalPages=curEntry.paging.totalPagesCount?number 
688						                paginationUrl="${portletURL}"></@> 
689		                    	</div> 
690					        </div> 
692						</div>	 
693					</div>	 
694				</div> 
696			</#list> 
697		</#if> 
699	</div> 
703	// rangedatepickerdesktop 
704	<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configShowSearchByDates == true> 
705		$(function () { 
706	    	var options = {}; 
707	    	options.ranges = { 
708	        	'${label_datepicker_oggi}': [moment()], 
709	        	'${label_datepicker_domani}': [moment().add(1, 'days'), moment().add(1, 'days')], 
710	        	'${label_datepicker_prossimi_7_giorni}': [moment(), moment().add(7, 'days')], 
711	        	'${label_datepicker_questo_mese}': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')], 
712	    	}; 
713	    	options.locale = { 
714				format: 'DD/MM/YYYY', 
715	        	separator: ' - ', 
716	        	applyLabel: '${label_datepicker_scegli}', 
717	        	cancelLabel: '${label_datepicker_annulla}', 
718	        	fromLabel: '${label_datepicker_da}', 
719	        	toLabel: '${label_datepicker_a}', 
720	        	//customRangeLabel: 'Personalizzato', 
721	        	daysOfWeek: [${label_datepicker_giorni_settimana}], 
722	        	monthNames: [${label_datepicker_mesi_anno}], 
723	        	firstDay: 1 
724	    	}; 
725	    	options.alwaysShowCalendars = true; 
726	    	options.autoApply = true; 
727	    	options.autoUpdateInput= false; 
728	    	options.minDate = new Date(); 
729	    	$('input[id="date-range-desktop"]').daterangepicker(options, function (start, end, label) { }); 
730		}); 
732		// sull'onchange valorizzo i due campi hidden che servono per la ricerca	 
733		$('#date-range-desktop').on('apply.daterangepicker change', function(ev, picker) { 
734			if (picker){ 
735				$(this).val(picker.startDate.format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ' - ' + picker.endDate.format('DD/MM/YYYY')); 
736				$('#date-range-desktop-from').val(picker.startDate.format('DD/MM/yyyy')); 
737				$('#date-range-desktop-to').val(picker.endDate.format('DD/MM/yyyy')); 
738				$('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop').submit(); 
739			}else{ 
740				var completeDate =; 
741				var singleDates = completeDate.split(' - '); 
742				$('#date-range-desktop-from').val(singleDates[0]); 
743				$('#date-range-desktop-to').val(singleDates[1]); 
744				$('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop').submit(); 
746		}); 
747	</#if> 
749	$(document).ready(function(){ 
750		// carico la mappa 
751		TglSearchMap.loadMap(true); 
753		// scroll fino a ricerca 
754// 		$('html, body').animate({ 
755//             scrollTop: $(".search-template-eventi").offset().top - 120 
756// 		}, 500); 
758		// quando il container collapsed viene visualizzato, ricostruisco la mappa e applico il fitbounds, oltre che a visualizzare il popover, se non ancora visualizzato 
759		$('#map-container-desktop').on('', function () { 
760			TglSearchMap.getMap().invalidateSize(); 
761			TglSearchMap.fitBounds(); 
763			// popover on draw circle function 
764			if( $('.leaflet-draw-draw-circle').length === 1){ 
765				if (sessionStorage.getItem('showedPopoverMap') == undefined) { 
766					showTooltipOnMap('.search-template-eventi .leaflet-draw-draw-circle'); 
768				if(isShowedPopover){ 
769					hideTooltipOnMap('.search-template-eventi .leaflet-draw-draw-circle','body'); 
772		}); 
774		// leggo i parametri dall'url: se esiste showMap ed è uguale a true, apro il collapse che contiene la mappa 
775		// succede se arrivo dal template form_ricerca (form fittizia) 
776		let searchParams = new URLSearchParams( 
777		if (searchParams.has('showMap')){ 
778			let searchParamShowMap = searchParams.get('showMap'); 
779			if (searchParamShowMap == 'true'){ 
780				$('#map-container-desktop').collapse('show'); 
783		if (searchParams.has('changeDate')){ 
784			let searchParamShowMap = searchParams.get('changeDate'); 
785			if (searchParamShowMap == 'true'){ 
786				$('#date-range-desktop').focus(); 
790		<#-- js per filtri categorie --> 
791		<#if (ricercaPortletConfig.configSearchByCategories == true) && (categoriesAsKeyValue?size > 0)> 
792			<#-- filtri categorie multiple --> 
793			<#if ricercaPortletConfig.configSelectMultipleCategories == true> 
794				/*bind checkbox category_*/ 
795				$('.search-template-eventi input[id^="category_"]').click(function(){ 
796				    var $currentElem = $( this ); 
797					if(!$currentElem.prop('checked')){ 
798				        $(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop #form_"+$currentElem.attr('id')).remove(); 
799				    } 
800				    else{ 
801				       $(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop #form_"+$currentElem.attr('id')).remove(); 
802						var input = '<input class="mr-2 hide" style="display:none" type="checkbox" name="'+$currentElem.attr('name')+'" id="form_'+$currentElem.attr('id')+'" value="'+$currentElem.val()+'" checked="">'; 
803						$('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop .search-form').append(input); 
804				    } 
805				    $('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop').submit(); 
806				});  
807				/*initialize checkbox category_*/ 
808				$('.search-template-eventi input[id^="category_"]').each(function(){ 
809				    var $currentElem = $( this ); 
810					if($currentElem.prop('checked')){ 
811				        $(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop #form_"+$currentElem.attr('id')).remove(); 
812				        var input = '<input class="mr-2 hide" style="display:none" type="checkbox" name="'+$currentElem.attr('name')+'" id="form_'+$currentElem.attr('id')+'" value="'+$currentElem.val()+'" checked="">'; 
813				        $('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop .search-form').append(input); 
814				    } 
815				}); 
817			<#else> 
819				<#-- filtri categorie singola --> 
820				/*bind checkbox category_*/ 
821				$('.search-template-eventi #select-ricerca-categorie').on('change', function() { 
822					var $currentElem = $(this); 
823					var optionVal = $currentElem.val(); 
825					if(optionVal===undefined || optionVal==null || optionVal==''){ 
826						$(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop input[id^='form_']").remove(); 
828					else{ 
829						if ($('.search-template-eventi #select-ricerca-categorie option[value=optionVal]').is(':selected')){ 
830							$(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop input[id^='form_']").remove(); 
831						}else{ 
832							$(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop input[id^='form_']").remove(); 
833							var input = '<input class="mr-2 hide" style="display:none;" type="checkbox" name="'+$currentElem.attr('name')+'" id="form_'+$currentElem.attr('id')+'" value="'+optionVal+'" checked="">'; 
834							$('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop .search-form').append(input); 
837				    $('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop').submit(); 
838				}); 
839				/*initialize checkbox category_*/ 
840				$('.search-template-eventi #select-ricerca-categorie option').each(function(){ 
841					var $currentElem = $( this ); 
842					var optionVal = $currentElem.val(); 
843					if(optionVal!==undefined && optionVal!=null && optionVal!=''){ 
844						if($':selected')){ 
845							$(".search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop input[id^='form_']").remove(); 
846							var input = '<input class="mr-2 hide" style="display:none;" type="checkbox" name="'+$currentElem.attr('name')+'" id="form_'+$currentElem.attr('id')+'" value="'+$currentElem.val()+'" checked="">'; 
847							$('.search-template-eventi #search-eventi-form-desktop .search-form').append(input); 
848		    			} 
850				}); 
851			</#if> 
852		</#if> 
854	}); 